Since the publication of the UK Commission on Bereavement’s report and vision for change in October 2022, former partners are following the progress towards each of the UKCB’s recommendations. Follow our latest one year on progress report.

Bishop Sarah to raise bereavement support in Lords

On Wednesday 9th November during House of Lords Oral Questions, Chair of the UK Commission on Bereavement Bishop Sarah Mullally will formally ask the Government what steps it plans to take in response to the UK Commission on Bereavement’s report 'Bereavement is Everyone's Business.'

We have prepared a briefing for peers wishing to ask supplementary questions on the report and wider bereavement issues in general.

If you would like to discuss any of these matters further, please contact the team via

 The UK Commission on Bereavement report Bereavement is everyone's business has been published after an extensive call for evidence. 

UK Commission on Bereavement unveils the true scale and impact of grief among adults and children

· Around 750,000 excess bereavements occurred during the pandemic

· Over 40% of adult respondents who wanted formal bereavement support did not get any

· Half of bereaved children responding said they did not get the support they needed from their schools and colleges

· Funding from governments vital to transform peoples experience of grief across the UK, says Commission, as one of the largest ever consultations on UK bereavement concludes

You can read a copy of the full press release here

In Northern Ireland... it is imperative that bereavement is not viewed as an issue for the Department of Health alone, but rather good bereavement care is an issue for society as a whole.

Professor Nichola Rooney