Bereavement services and support must sign up to an agreed set of standards, including ensuring they meet the diverse needs of the communities they serve.
NICE and SIGN must develop guidelines for the delivery of bereavement support at all levels
All public, private and third sector bodies supporting bereaved people must commit to tackling inequalities in access to emotional support following a bereavement

In response to the challenges that people identified in understanding what bereavement support is out there and might help them, the Marie Curie Palliative Care Research Centre, Cardiff has collaborated with national partners to produce a new resource, the Grief Support Guide, based on research conducted during the Covid-19 pandemic and published on the National Bereavement Alliance website. The Guide, which has been viewed almost 7,000 times since September 2023, is available in ten languages and has been widely adopted, including in the RCGP’s End of Life Tool Kit and Macmillan’s e-learning resources, and by the Medical Examiners Wales, the Cremation Society and the Palliative and End of Life Care Programme Board (Wales). The Guide is updated annually and Version 2 is due to be released shortly.
All UK Governments must commission further research to better understand the emotional support needs of people affected by bereavement with a particular focus on understanding how services can be improved for Black, Asian and ethnic minority communities and groups whose grief is disenfranchised.
Governments in each UK nation must invest 79p annually per person in the population for transforming bereavement services over the next 5 years, with a particular focus on better supporting Black, Asian and ethnic minority communities, and others who are currently poorly served.

The Welsh Government introduced a new funding stream for bereavement support services in 2021. It committed £3 million over three years, and an additional £420k for bereavement coordination posts at each of the health boards. An extension to the Bereavement Support Grant of £927k for 2024/25 has been provided, and a further BSG scheme worth £927k pa has been launched for 2025/28. Welsh Government also currently provides a minimum of 21% of hospices total funding in Wales and all hospices deliver aspects of bereavement support as part of their overall service provision.
Integrated Care Systems across England must support partnerships of bereavement services, mental health and other relevant services to address levels of need and ensure compassionate and appropriate referrals between services