Progress to date
Bereavement Statutory Payment must be extended to cohabiting partners
Bereavement Support Payment extended to those whose partner was unable to make sufficient NI contributions due to sickness or disability

The Childhood Bereavement Network and WAY Widowed and Young are making representations to the new government to reconsider the eligibility criteria.
Funeral Expenses Payment extended to students
Funeral Expenses Payment and Bereavement Statutory Payment extended to those with No Recourse to Public Funds
Financial support following a bereavement must be extended beyond current time limits

Bereavement Support Payment extended to 6 years / completion of 1 year of secondary education for the youngest child (up from 18 months)
All benefits for bereaved people must be up-rated annually in line with inflation in all four nations.

The Childhood Bereavement Network continues to draw attention to this in representations to DWP. Funeral Expenses Payment has also not been increased since 2020. Quaker Social Action organised a sector letter to the Pension Minister asking for the capped element to be increased in line with inflation to account for the rising cost of funerals, but this was refused.
Governments across the four UK nations must work to increase uptake of Pension credit
Legislation must require that landlords give at least 6 months' notice for an eviction after a bereavement (England)

The previous UK government introduced a Renters’ Reform Bill. Marie Curie briefed in probing amendments calling for the removal of death of a tenant as a ground for eviction, with the support of the Labour Party in opposition. This bill did not pass into law before the general election, but the new government has introduced a very similar Renters’ Rights Bill. Disappointingly it makes no proposal to remove or substantively amend ground 7 (death of a tenant) as a grounds for possession. Marie Curie has raised their concerns, briefing into the bill at second reading and will continue to push for the bill to be amended to ensure that bereaved renters are protected.
Legislation must require that landlords give at least 6 months' notice for an eviction after a bereavement. (Scotland)

Legislation must require that landlords give at least 6 months' notice for an eviction after a bereavement. (Wales)